A feedsfullspeed. Production
Title The second McCain, Obama debate: It's about the economy published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The second McCain, Obama debate: It's about the economy
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Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama debated in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate.
With public anxiety mounting over financial markets and the economy, Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain engaged in a muted debate Tuesday night over who was to blame and whose plan would successfully address the problems.
In the second presidential debate, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., Obama faulted the Bush administration and by extension McCain for a deregulatory environment that he said had led to the economic meltdown. McCain, pledging to aid struggling homeowners, offered a proposal to direct the federal government to save families from foreclosure by buying mortgages they could no longer afford.
"As president of the United States," McCain said in response to an audience member's question, "I would order the secretary of the Treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value of those homes, at the diminished value of those homes and let people make those, be able to make those payments and stay in their homes. Is it expensive? Yes."
Obama, who has been gaining strength in recent polls, actively engaged McCain, and repeatedly focused on the bread-and-butter struggles of Americans, vowing to help them with a "rescue package" for the middle class, not only for banks and insurance companies on Wall Street. The first part of the package, he said, would be tax cuts for all American households making less than $250,000 a year.
"It means help for homeowners so that they
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates.
Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics.
The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds.
“Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll.
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Transcript of presidential debate
John McCain, Sen. Barack Obama debate in Mississippi ... The economy is slowing down, so it's hard to anticipate right ... Quick response to Senator Obama. MCCAIN: It's well ...
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McCain seeks to delay debate
... Obama rejected John McCain’s call Wednesday to delay Friday’s debate ... McCain discussed the economy in two telephone calls earlier Wednesday. Obama said it ... debate came as a surprise, saying McCain had told him in their second ...
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McCain, Obama Debate Debate Deals - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
... the economy in July and a debate on foreign policy in August. “It’s disappointing that Senator McCain ... McCain wants to get on stage with Obama ten times. It’s the ... the second ...
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Obama, McCain Set Debates, But "Town Hall" Idea Is Dead - Yahoo! News
Barack Obama and John McCain will debate head-to ... John McCain looks forward to debating Barack Obama as often as possible, but it's ... included a debate on the economy and ...
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McCain Ad Mocks Obama as ‘The One’ - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
... John McCain’s campaign. It’s ... look Obama is talking about the economy and McCain is ... The second childhood, I believe its called. And Obama cannot do the same to McCain ...
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Site Presented By
... it’s a Democratic cycle (hard for a incumbent party to win three in a row, incumbent president extraordinarily impossible, economy in tank, Americans believe country is on wrong track). Second, Obama ... second debate between Barack Obama and John McCain ... it's tempting to say that Obama should give McCain ...
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Source: Salon
NewsDateTime: 13 hours ago
Support growing in Washington for reforms in mortgage rules
In the wild ride that is the McCain presidential campaign, Steve Schmidt ... The economy is the biggest issue in Michigan's November elections ... south to Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., on Tuesday for the second presidential debate. It's ...
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Source: Baltimore Sun
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
Real-Time News
The issue isn't exactly how it's going to work ... The first presidential debate between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama remained in doubt ... It is also sure to add fire to a debate over the best approach to fix an ailing economy that can ...
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Source: Newark Star-Ledger
NewsDateTime: 10/7/2008
Casino Money Not a Sure Bet in Connecticut
But it's not just football that's happening there. In this election year, the ... Watch the Vice Presidential Debate -- ABC News Live Coverage Begins at 9 p.m. ET ... out in February for party caucuses that gave wide margins of victory to Obama and McCain's ...
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Source: ABC News
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
Political Candidates
NEW YORK (AP) _ It's starting to feel like Tina Fey is running for vice ... John McCain spent yesterday at a resort hotel in Sedona, Ariz., preparing for his second debate with Barack Obama. The Arizona senator plans to stay the weekend at his family ...
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Source: Morning Call
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes.
That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said.
"He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good."
Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate
A feedsfullspeed. Production
Title The Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama debated in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate. Here is a transcript of that debate. Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain meet in Nashville for their second debate. Brokaw: Good evening from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm Tom Brokaw of NBC News. And welcome to this second presidential debate, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Tonight's debate is the only one with a town hall format. The Gallup Organization chose 80 uncommitted voters from the Nashville area to be here with us tonight. And earlier today, each of them gave me a copy of their question for the candidates. From all of these questions -- and from tens of thousands submitted online -- I have selected a long list of excellent questions on domestic and foreign policy. Neither the commission nor the candidates have seen the questions. And although we won't be able to get to all of them tonight, we should have a wide-ranging discussion one month before the election. Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to a common question, and there will be a one-minute follow-up. The audience here in the hall has agreed to be polite, and attentive, no cheering or outbursts. Those of you at home, of course, are not so constrained. The only exception in the hall is right now, as it is my privilege to introduce the candidates, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and Sen. John McCain of Arizona. Gentlemen? Gentlemen, we want to get under way immediately, if we can. Since you last met at Ole Miss 12 days ago, the world has changed a great deal, and not for the better. We still don't know where the bottom is at this time. As you might expect, many of the questions that we have from here in the hall tonight and from online have to do with the American economy and, in fact, with global economic conditions. I understand that you flipped a coin. And, Sen. Obama, you will begin tonight. And we're going to have our first question from over here in Section A from Allen Shaffer. Allen? Shaffer: With the economy on the downturn and retired and older citizens and workers losing their incomes, what's the fastest, most positive solution to bail these people out of the economic ruin? Obama: Well, Alan (ph), thank you very much for the question. I want to first, obviously, thank Belmont University, Tom, thank you, and to all of you who are participating tonight and those of you who sent e-mail questions in. I think everybody knows now we are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. And a lot of you I think are worried about your jobs, your pensions, your retirement accounts, your ability to send your child or your grandchild to college. And I believe this is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by Sen. McCain, that essentially said that we should strip away regulations, consumer protections, let the market run wild, and prosperity would rain down on all of us. It hasn't worked out that way. And so now we've got to take some decisive action. Now, step one was a rescue package that was passed last week. We've got to make sure that works properly. And that means strong oversight, making sure that investors, taxpayers are getting their money back and treated as investors. It means that we are cracking down on CEOs and making sure that they're not getting bonuses or golden parachutes as a consequence of this package. And, in fact, we just found out that AIG, a company that got a bailout, just a week after they got help went on a $400,000 junket. And I'll tell you what, the Treasury should demand that money back and those executives should be fired. But that's only step one. The middle-class need a rescue package. And that means tax cuts for the middle-class. It means help for homeowners so that they can stay in their homes. It means that we are helping state and local governments set up road projects and bridge projects that keep people in their jobs.
Tom Brokaw of NBC, the moderator, screened their questions and also chose others that had been submitted online.
"The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, and most small businesses would not be affected. He also has a proposal for a tax cut that he said would cover 95 percent of Americans. Obama has solidified his national lead in polls ahead of the Nov. 4 election and gained an edge in crucial battleground states in recent weeks as the Wall Street crisis focused attention on the economy, an area where polls show voters prefer the Illinois senator's leadership. The economic turmoil continued on Tuesday, with stocks tumbling for the second consecutive day in a sign the $700 billion bailout of U.S. financial institutions did not ease market concerns about the economy. Asked about a possible Treasury secretary under their administrations, both candidates mentioned Omaha's legendary investor Warren Buffett, a supporter of Obama. The debate featured little of the anger and aggressive attacks that have been featured on the campaign trail in the last week. Polls judged Obama the winner of the first debate two weeks ago, but Tuesday's debate was conducted in a looser town hall format where questions were asked by the audience -- a favorite setting for McCain and a staple of his campaigns in the battle for the party nomination this year and in 2000. About 100 undecided Nashville voters identified by the Gallup polling company posed the questions. The candidates sat on stools and were free to roam the stage.
The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Transcript of presidential debate
What follows is the full transcript of the debate: ... John McCain, Sen. Barack Obama debate in Mississippi ... States of American business pays the second ...
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McCain, Obama headed to Washington for bailout talks - CNN.com
NEW: Joint McCain-Obama statement: We 'must not ... preparations for the event. Watch Obama say debate shouldn't be postponed » McCain's ... Fossett left a secret; 5 Pets get second ...
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McCain, Obama Agree to Fall Debate Schedule - FOXNews.com Elections
John McCain and Barack Obama have agreed to three presidential debates in the fall and ... The second one will be a town hall debate moderated ... Transcript of FOX News ...
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Couric's Debate Webcast, Katie's Web-Only Show Has Surprise Guests ...
Second Presidential Debate (town meeting) Tuesday, October 7 ... Joint Palin-McCain Interview: Transcript | Watch Video ... Diary Survives 37-Mile Fall To Earth; Obama, McCain ...
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Obama Backs Away From McCain Town Hall Challenge - FOXNews.com ...
... Plouffe had suggested Obama-McCain ... Transcript of FOX News' Interview ... Michigan Pullout, Takes Second Stab at 'Gotcha' Questions »Biden-Palin Debate Ratings Far Exceed Obama-McCain ...
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Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are debating in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate. Here is a transcript of that debate, as it happens. Sen. Barack Obama ...
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Source: CNN
NewsDateTime: 3 hours ago
Q&A Transcript
Vice Presidential Debate: It appears that many people are having second thoughts about Palin's ... With the race appearing to solidify in Obama's favor, what might the next McCain ... Wokingham, U.K.: If there were a genuine debate between McCain and ...
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Source: Washington Post
NewsDateTime: 10/2/2008
Sarah Palin Holds Her Own at the VP Debate and Congress Passes a ...
This is a rush transcript from "The Beltway Boys", October 4, 2008, that ... KONDRACKE: The Republicans were in the doldrums going into the debate partly because John McCain ... As you said, the race is about McCain and Obama. Beside, I think the important ...
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Source: FOX News
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
Q&A Transcript: Slate Bloggers Preview the Debate
... Palin is agony for women (Slate, Oct. 2) ; How to Debate a Girl, and Win (Slate, Oct. 1) The transcript follows ... Seems to me that McCain's chomping away at Obama last week backfired, or at least ... on the question of legalization of abortion, on second ...
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Source: Washington Post
NewsDateTime: 10/2/2008
CNN’s Drew Griffin Does a Real Fact-Check on Obama/Ayers Connection
The full transcript of Drew Griffin’s ... Supporters of the McCain campaign say, look, this is all fair game. In a debate earlier this year, Barack Obama described ... Annenberg Challenge, Barack Obama and Bill Ayers also served together on a second ...
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Source: News Busters
NewsDateTime: 3 hours ago
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Title The Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama debated in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate. Here is a transcript of that debate. Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain meet in Nashville for their second debate. Brokaw: Good evening from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm Tom Brokaw of NBC News. And welcome to this second presidential debate, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Tonight's debate is the only one with a town hall format. The Gallup Organization chose 80 uncommitted voters from the Nashville area to be here with us tonight. And earlier today, each of them gave me a copy of their question for the candidates. From all of these questions -- and from tens of thousands submitted online -- I have selected a long list of excellent questions on domestic and foreign policy. Neither the commission nor the candidates have seen the questions. And although we won't be able to get to all of them tonight, we should have a wide-ranging discussion one month before the election. Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to a common question, and there will be a one-minute follow-up. The audience here in the hall has agreed to be polite, and attentive, no cheering or outbursts. Those of you at home, of course, are not so constrained. The only exception in the hall is right now, as it is my privilege to introduce the candidates, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and Sen. John McCain of Arizona. Gentlemen? Gentlemen, we want to get under way immediately, if we can. Since you last met at Ole Miss 12 days ago, the world has changed a great deal, and not for the better. We still don't know where the bottom is at this time. As you might expect, many of the questions that we have from here in the hall tonight and from online have to do with the American economy and, in fact, with global economic conditions. I understand that you flipped a coin. And, Sen. Obama, you will begin tonight. And we're going to have our first question from over here in Section A from Allen Shaffer. Allen? Shaffer: With the economy on the downturn and retired and older citizens and workers losing their incomes, what's the fastest, most positive solution to bail these people out of the economic ruin? Obama: Well, Alan (ph), thank you very much for the question. I want to first, obviously, thank Belmont University, Tom, thank you, and to all of you who are participating tonight and those of you who sent e-mail questions in. I think everybody knows now we are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. And a lot of you I think are worried about your jobs, your pensions, your retirement accounts, your ability to send your child or your grandchild to college. And I believe this is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by Sen. McCain, that essentially said that we should strip away regulations, consumer protections, let the market run wild, and prosperity would rain down on all of us. It hasn't worked out that way. And so now we've got to take some decisive action. Now, step one was a rescue package that was passed last week. We've got to make sure that works properly. And that means strong oversight, making sure that investors, taxpayers are getting their money back and treated as investors. It means that we are cracking down on CEOs and making sure that they're not getting bonuses or golden parachutes as a consequence of this package. And, in fact, we just found out that AIG, a company that got a bailout, just a week after they got help went on a $400,000 junket. And I'll tell you what, the Treasury should demand that money back and those executives should be fired. But that's only step one. The middle-class need a rescue package. And that means tax cuts for the middle-class. It means help for homeowners so that they can stay in their homes. It means that we are helping state and local governments set up road projects and bridge projects that keep people in their jobs.
Tom Brokaw of NBC, the moderator, screened their questions and also chose others that had been submitted online.
"The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, and most small businesses would not be affected. He also has a proposal for a tax cut that he said would cover 95 percent of Americans. Obama has solidified his national lead in polls ahead of the Nov. 4 election and gained an edge in crucial battleground states in recent weeks as the Wall Street crisis focused attention on the economy, an area where polls show voters prefer the Illinois senator's leadership. The economic turmoil continued on Tuesday, with stocks tumbling for the second consecutive day in a sign the $700 billion bailout of U.S. financial institutions did not ease market concerns about the economy. Asked about a possible Treasury secretary under their administrations, both candidates mentioned Omaha's legendary investor Warren Buffett, a supporter of Obama. The debate featured little of the anger and aggressive attacks that have been featured on the campaign trail in the last week. Polls judged Obama the winner of the first debate two weeks ago, but Tuesday's debate was conducted in a looser town hall format where questions were asked by the audience -- a favorite setting for McCain and a staple of his campaigns in the battle for the party nomination this year and in 2000. About 100 undecided Nashville voters identified by the Gallup polling company posed the questions. The candidates sat on stools and were free to roam the stage.
The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Transcript of presidential debate
What follows is the full transcript of the debate: ... John McCain, Sen. Barack Obama debate in Mississippi ... States of American business pays the second ...
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McCain, Obama headed to Washington for bailout talks - CNN.com
NEW: Joint McCain-Obama statement: We 'must not ... preparations for the event. Watch Obama say debate shouldn't be postponed » McCain's ... Fossett left a secret; 5 Pets get second ...
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McCain, Obama Agree to Fall Debate Schedule - FOXNews.com Elections
John McCain and Barack Obama have agreed to three presidential debates in the fall and ... The second one will be a town hall debate moderated ... Transcript of FOX News ...
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Couric's Debate Webcast, Katie's Web-Only Show Has Surprise Guests ...
Second Presidential Debate (town meeting) Tuesday, October 7 ... Joint Palin-McCain Interview: Transcript | Watch Video ... Diary Survives 37-Mile Fall To Earth; Obama, McCain ...
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Obama Backs Away From McCain Town Hall Challenge - FOXNews.com ...
... Plouffe had suggested Obama-McCain ... Transcript of FOX News' Interview ... Michigan Pullout, Takes Second Stab at 'Gotcha' Questions »Biden-Palin Debate Ratings Far Exceed Obama-McCain ...
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Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are debating in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate. Here is a transcript of that debate, as it happens. Sen. Barack Obama ...
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Source: CNN
NewsDateTime: 3 hours ago
Q&A Transcript
Vice Presidential Debate: It appears that many people are having second thoughts about Palin's ... With the race appearing to solidify in Obama's favor, what might the next McCain ... Wokingham, U.K.: If there were a genuine debate between McCain and ...
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Source: Washington Post
NewsDateTime: 10/2/2008
Sarah Palin Holds Her Own at the VP Debate and Congress Passes a ...
This is a rush transcript from "The Beltway Boys", October 4, 2008, that ... KONDRACKE: The Republicans were in the doldrums going into the debate partly because John McCain ... As you said, the race is about McCain and Obama. Beside, I think the important ...
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Source: FOX News
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
Q&A Transcript: Slate Bloggers Preview the Debate
... Palin is agony for women (Slate, Oct. 2) ; How to Debate a Girl, and Win (Slate, Oct. 1) The transcript follows ... Seems to me that McCain's chomping away at Obama last week backfired, or at least ... on the question of legalization of abortion, on second ...
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Source: Washington Post
NewsDateTime: 10/2/2008
CNN’s Drew Griffin Does a Real Fact-Check on Obama/Ayers Connection
The full transcript of Drew Griffin’s ... Supporters of the McCain campaign say, look, this is all fair game. In a debate earlier this year, Barack Obama described ... Annenberg Challenge, Barack Obama and Bill Ayers also served together on a second ...
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Source: News Busters
NewsDateTime: 3 hours ago
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
The Straight Talk Express lost the debate
A feedsfullspeed. Production
Title The Straight Talk Express lost the debate published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The Straight Talk Express lost the debate
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Barack Obama and John McCain clashed repeatedly over the causes and cures for the worst economic crisis in 80 years Tuesday night in a debate in which Republican McCain called for a sweeping new program to keep homeowners from foreclosure. "It's my proposal. It's not Sen. Obama's proposal," McCain said at the outset of a debate he hoped could revive his fortunes in a presidential race trending toward his rival. Democrat Obama said the current crisis was the "final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years" that President Bush pursued and were "supported by Sen. McCain." He contended that Bush, McCain and others had favored deregulation of the financial industry, predicting that would "let markets run wild and prosperity would rain down on all of us. It didn't happen." The debate was the second of three between the two major party rivals, and the only one to feature a format in which voters posed questions to the candidates. "It's good to be with you at a town hall meeting," McCain jabbed at his rival, who spurned the Republican's calls for numerous such joint appearances across the fall campaign. They debated on a stage at Belmont University in a race that has lately favored Obama, both in national polls and in surveys in pivotal battleground states. The audience was selected by Gallup, the polling organization, and was split three ways among voters leaning toward McCain, those leaning toward Obama and those undecided. Tom Brokaw of NBC, the moderator, screened their questions and also chose others that had been submitted online.
"The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, and most small businesses would not be affected. He also has a proposal for a tax cut that he said would cover 95 percent of Americans. Obama has solidified his national lead in polls ahead of the Nov. 4 election and gained an edge in crucial battleground states in recent weeks as the Wall Street crisis focused attention on the economy, an area where polls show voters prefer the Illinois senator's leadership. The economic turmoil continued on Tuesday, with stocks tumbling for the second consecutive day in a sign the $700 billion bailout of U.S. financial institutions did not ease market concerns about the economy. Asked about a possible Treasury secretary under their administrations, both candidates mentioned Omaha's legendary investor Warren Buffett, a supporter of Obama. The debate featured little of the anger and aggressive attacks that have been featured on the campaign trail in the last week. Polls judged Obama the winner of the first debate two weeks ago, but Tuesday's debate was conducted in a looser town hall format where questions were asked by the audience -- a favorite setting for McCain and a staple of his campaigns in the battle for the party nomination this year and in 2000. About 100 undecided Nashville voters identified by the Gallup polling company posed the questions. The candidates sat on stools and were free to roam the stage.
The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Iowa Independent » Sun Setting On The Straight Talk Express: Live ...
Lost opportunity.) Pre-arrival, locals were posing for pics in front of the famous Straight Talk Express bus. ... reference to last night’s debate, he ...
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Straight Talk Express Poll - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
May 22, 2008 | Posted at 2:00 PM Straight Talk Express Poll ... is that part the passion.. when the passion is lost a ... So much of the debates have to do with people’s egos.
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Palin, pancakes, and the straight talk express | MetaFilter
Have the wheels come off the straight talk express? At least one sleeping ... The election would not be won or lost in Delaware. Now we're stuck until the debates, and I have a hunch ...
more ...
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McCain's Prickly TIME Interview - TIME
... denies — at times testily — that his campaign has strayed from the Straight Talk Express ... having been attacked by Barack Obama, to run some of those ads, was there a debate
more ...
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All Aboard the McCain Express - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
The Straight Talk Express is coming back. The bus trips that came to ... McCain has lost all of the support of the veterans ... Voters across Florida said the debate over how to fix ...
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Obama, McCain bring campaign positions to debate
... in the polls and besieged by the crumbling U.S. financial system, said in the critical second presidential debate ... Obama shot back, "Sen. McCain, I think the Straight-talk Express lost a wheel on that one," referring to the name McCain applies to his ...
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Source: International Herald Tribune
NewsDateTime: 52 minutes ago
McCain, Obama clash on economy
JOHN McCain and Barack Obama have battled over taxes at their second presidential debate but agreed middle-class ... The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year ...
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Source: News.com.au
NewsDateTime: 30 minutes ago
First debate exposed McCain
The wheels came off John McCain's Straight Talk Express in the foreign policy/economy debate. In both substance, coherence, style and manners, he lost the debate. McCain's refusal to even look at Barack Obama was childish and petulant. Imagine McCain ...
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Source: Pensacola News Journal
NewsDateTime: 21 hours ago
Obama and McCain battle over taxes and economy
... Reuters) - Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama battled over taxes at their second presidential debate ... The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 (142,792 ...
more ...
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Source: Reuters Africa
NewsDateTime: 37 minutes ago
LIVE Biden/Palin debate reaction
... economy outside the US, stock market, exports, jobs are not lost ... 2017 "I may not answer the questions, but I want to talk straight to the ... interest in Palin, the moose-hunting hockey mom who looks straight from central casting. This critical debate ...
more ...
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Source: BBC News
NewsDateTime: 10/3/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Title The Straight Talk Express lost the debate published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The Straight Talk Express lost the debate
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Barack Obama and John McCain clashed repeatedly over the causes and cures for the worst economic crisis in 80 years Tuesday night in a debate in which Republican McCain called for a sweeping new program to keep homeowners from foreclosure. "It's my proposal. It's not Sen. Obama's proposal," McCain said at the outset of a debate he hoped could revive his fortunes in a presidential race trending toward his rival. Democrat Obama said the current crisis was the "final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years" that President Bush pursued and were "supported by Sen. McCain." He contended that Bush, McCain and others had favored deregulation of the financial industry, predicting that would "let markets run wild and prosperity would rain down on all of us. It didn't happen." The debate was the second of three between the two major party rivals, and the only one to feature a format in which voters posed questions to the candidates. "It's good to be with you at a town hall meeting," McCain jabbed at his rival, who spurned the Republican's calls for numerous such joint appearances across the fall campaign. They debated on a stage at Belmont University in a race that has lately favored Obama, both in national polls and in surveys in pivotal battleground states. The audience was selected by Gallup, the polling organization, and was split three ways among voters leaning toward McCain, those leaning toward Obama and those undecided. Tom Brokaw of NBC, the moderator, screened their questions and also chose others that had been submitted online.
"The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, and most small businesses would not be affected. He also has a proposal for a tax cut that he said would cover 95 percent of Americans. Obama has solidified his national lead in polls ahead of the Nov. 4 election and gained an edge in crucial battleground states in recent weeks as the Wall Street crisis focused attention on the economy, an area where polls show voters prefer the Illinois senator's leadership. The economic turmoil continued on Tuesday, with stocks tumbling for the second consecutive day in a sign the $700 billion bailout of U.S. financial institutions did not ease market concerns about the economy. Asked about a possible Treasury secretary under their administrations, both candidates mentioned Omaha's legendary investor Warren Buffett, a supporter of Obama. The debate featured little of the anger and aggressive attacks that have been featured on the campaign trail in the last week. Polls judged Obama the winner of the first debate two weeks ago, but Tuesday's debate was conducted in a looser town hall format where questions were asked by the audience -- a favorite setting for McCain and a staple of his campaigns in the battle for the party nomination this year and in 2000. About 100 undecided Nashville voters identified by the Gallup polling company posed the questions. The candidates sat on stools and were free to roam the stage.
The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Iowa Independent » Sun Setting On The Straight Talk Express: Live ...
Lost opportunity.) Pre-arrival, locals were posing for pics in front of the famous Straight Talk Express bus. ... reference to last night’s debate, he ...
more ...
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Straight Talk Express Poll - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
May 22, 2008 | Posted at 2:00 PM Straight Talk Express Poll ... is that part the passion.. when the passion is lost a ... So much of the debates have to do with people’s egos.
more ...
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Palin, pancakes, and the straight talk express | MetaFilter
Have the wheels come off the straight talk express? At least one sleeping ... The election would not be won or lost in Delaware. Now we're stuck until the debates, and I have a hunch ...
more ...
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McCain's Prickly TIME Interview - TIME
... denies — at times testily — that his campaign has strayed from the Straight Talk Express ... having been attacked by Barack Obama, to run some of those ads, was there a debate
more ...
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All Aboard the McCain Express - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
The Straight Talk Express is coming back. The bus trips that came to ... McCain has lost all of the support of the veterans ... Voters across Florida said the debate over how to fix ...
more ...
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Obama, McCain bring campaign positions to debate
... in the polls and besieged by the crumbling U.S. financial system, said in the critical second presidential debate ... Obama shot back, "Sen. McCain, I think the Straight-talk Express lost a wheel on that one," referring to the name McCain applies to his ...
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Source: International Herald Tribune
NewsDateTime: 52 minutes ago
McCain, Obama clash on economy
JOHN McCain and Barack Obama have battled over taxes at their second presidential debate but agreed middle-class ... The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year ...
more ...
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Source: News.com.au
NewsDateTime: 30 minutes ago
First debate exposed McCain
The wheels came off John McCain's Straight Talk Express in the foreign policy/economy debate. In both substance, coherence, style and manners, he lost the debate. McCain's refusal to even look at Barack Obama was childish and petulant. Imagine McCain ...
more ...
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Source: Pensacola News Journal
NewsDateTime: 21 hours ago
Obama and McCain battle over taxes and economy
... Reuters) - Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama battled over taxes at their second presidential debate ... The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 (142,792 ...
more ...
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Source: Reuters Africa
NewsDateTime: 37 minutes ago
LIVE Biden/Palin debate reaction
... economy outside the US, stock market, exports, jobs are not lost ... 2017 "I may not answer the questions, but I want to talk straight to the ... interest in Palin, the moose-hunting hockey mom who looks straight from central casting. This critical debate ...
more ...
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Source: BBC News
NewsDateTime: 10/3/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one
A feedsfullspeed. Production
Title The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
"The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, and most small businesses would not be affected. He also has a proposal for a tax cut that he said would cover 95 percent of Americans. Obama has solidified his national lead in polls ahead of the Nov. 4 election and gained an edge in crucial battleground states in recent weeks as the Wall Street crisis focused attention on the economy, an area where polls show voters prefer the Illinois senator's leadership. The economic turmoil continued on Tuesday, with stocks tumbling for the second consecutive day in a sign the $700 billion bailout of U.S. financial institutions did not ease market concerns about the economy. Asked about a possible Treasury secretary under their administrations, both candidates mentioned Omaha's legendary investor Warren Buffett, a supporter of Obama. The debate featured little of the anger and aggressive attacks that have been featured on the campaign trail in the last week. Polls judged Obama the winner of the first debate two weeks ago, but Tuesday's debate was conducted in a looser town hall format where questions were asked by the audience -- a favorite setting for McCain and a staple of his campaigns in the battle for the party nomination this year and in 2000. About 100 undecided Nashville voters identified by the Gallup polling company posed the questions. The candidates sat on stools and were free to roam the stage.
The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Carl Pope: The Straight Talk Express Needs a Teamster at the Wheel
The Straight Talk Express Needs a Teamster at the Wheel ... McCain shilling for oil on one side, a ... opening, and will be lucky if the Straight Talk Express ...
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Palin, pancakes, and the straight talk express | MetaFilter
Have the wheels come off the straight talk express? At least one sleeping giant woke up today: the NYT ... sipping nancy boys and brainiacs but were actually good people who lost to ...
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CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive ...
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Straight Talk Express ... One of the most ridiculous things ever….. Straight talk express, what a joke. ... eyes off of the swirling wheel ...
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Straight Talk Express Poll - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
May 22, 2008 | Posted at 2:00 PM Straight Talk Express Poll ... requesting the opinion of an even high court if one ... She lost everything...her ordination, her closest ...
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From 'straight talk' to smear campaign - St. Petersburg Times
The Straight Talk Express has taken a nasty turn into the gutter. ... That is one of the more outrageous statements by a ... McCain has lost his bearings since the Rove people ...
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McCain and Obama clash over economy
... the hall at Nashville, Tennessee’s Belmont University aiming to build on his lead in the polls just one ... The Democrat countered: “I think the ‘straight talk express’ lost a wheel on that.” He said Mr McCain wanted to give a $300bn cut in ...
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Source: Financial Times
NewsDateTime: 16 minutes ago
McCain, Obama at odds over taxes, economy
Obama shot back, saying "the Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one." "Let's be clear about my tax plan and Senator McCain's," he said. "I want to provide a tax cut for 95 percent of Americans." Earlier, McCain said the system in Washington ...
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Source: Bay News 9
NewsDateTime: 10/7/2008
Undernews: Rezko Alert
McCain's lost Alter! Mickey Kaus posted Oct. 6, 2008 Kf Stops the Bleeding! Plus: No ... out as the primary season continued, and you'd eventually have to face only one ... Straight Talk, Fake Vote? Presidential candidate John McCain voted for the Secure Fence Act ...
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Source: Slate
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
McCain: Biden 'ready to gaffe'
The old coot can't keep his stories straight from one day to the next. The most ... He also told the chap in the wheel chair to stand up, but in the same ... The so called straight talk express has zigged and zagged so violently in the last year ...
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Source: Boston Globe
NewsDateTime: 10/2/2008
John McCain: A US presidential campaign defined by wars past and ...
... slowly improved, though before long it was evident that he had lost ... that some drivers keep oven gloves in the car to hold the steering-wheel. No one ... When I met McCain on his Straight Talk Express bus in March, he was adamant that a ...
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Source: Daily Telegraph
NewsDateTime: 10/4/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Title The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
"The Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one," he said. He said his plan would only tax those making more than $250,000 a year, and most small businesses would not be affected. He also has a proposal for a tax cut that he said would cover 95 percent of Americans. Obama has solidified his national lead in polls ahead of the Nov. 4 election and gained an edge in crucial battleground states in recent weeks as the Wall Street crisis focused attention on the economy, an area where polls show voters prefer the Illinois senator's leadership. The economic turmoil continued on Tuesday, with stocks tumbling for the second consecutive day in a sign the $700 billion bailout of U.S. financial institutions did not ease market concerns about the economy. Asked about a possible Treasury secretary under their administrations, both candidates mentioned Omaha's legendary investor Warren Buffett, a supporter of Obama. The debate featured little of the anger and aggressive attacks that have been featured on the campaign trail in the last week. Polls judged Obama the winner of the first debate two weeks ago, but Tuesday's debate was conducted in a looser town hall format where questions were asked by the audience -- a favorite setting for McCain and a staple of his campaigns in the battle for the party nomination this year and in 2000. About 100 undecided Nashville voters identified by the Gallup polling company posed the questions. The candidates sat on stools and were free to roam the stage.
The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Carl Pope: The Straight Talk Express Needs a Teamster at the Wheel
The Straight Talk Express Needs a Teamster at the Wheel ... McCain shilling for oil on one side, a ... opening, and will be lucky if the Straight Talk Express ...
more ...
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Palin, pancakes, and the straight talk express | MetaFilter
Have the wheels come off the straight talk express? At least one sleeping giant woke up today: the NYT ... sipping nancy boys and brainiacs but were actually good people who lost to ...
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CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive ...
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Straight Talk Express ... One of the most ridiculous things ever….. Straight talk express, what a joke. ... eyes off of the swirling wheel ...
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Straight Talk Express Poll - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
May 22, 2008 | Posted at 2:00 PM Straight Talk Express Poll ... requesting the opinion of an even high court if one ... She lost everything...her ordination, her closest ...
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From 'straight talk' to smear campaign - St. Petersburg Times
The Straight Talk Express has taken a nasty turn into the gutter. ... That is one of the more outrageous statements by a ... McCain has lost his bearings since the Rove people ...
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McCain and Obama clash over economy
... the hall at Nashville, Tennessee’s Belmont University aiming to build on his lead in the polls just one ... The Democrat countered: “I think the ‘straight talk express’ lost a wheel on that.” He said Mr McCain wanted to give a $300bn cut in ...
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Source: Financial Times
NewsDateTime: 16 minutes ago
McCain, Obama at odds over taxes, economy
Obama shot back, saying "the Straight Talk Express lost a wheel on that one." "Let's be clear about my tax plan and Senator McCain's," he said. "I want to provide a tax cut for 95 percent of Americans." Earlier, McCain said the system in Washington ...
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Source: Bay News 9
NewsDateTime: 10/7/2008
Undernews: Rezko Alert
McCain's lost Alter! Mickey Kaus posted Oct. 6, 2008 Kf Stops the Bleeding! Plus: No ... out as the primary season continued, and you'd eventually have to face only one ... Straight Talk, Fake Vote? Presidential candidate John McCain voted for the Secure Fence Act ...
more ...
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Source: Slate
NewsDateTime: 10/6/2008
McCain: Biden 'ready to gaffe'
The old coot can't keep his stories straight from one day to the next. The most ... He also told the chap in the wheel chair to stand up, but in the same ... The so called straight talk express has zigged and zagged so violently in the last year ...
more ...
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Source: Boston Globe
NewsDateTime: 10/2/2008
John McCain: A US presidential campaign defined by wars past and ...
... slowly improved, though before long it was evident that he had lost ... that some drivers keep oven gloves in the car to hold the steering-wheel. No one ... When I met McCain on his Straight Talk Express bus in March, he was adamant that a ...
more ...
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Source: Daily Telegraph
NewsDateTime: 10/4/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Live 2nd Presidential Debate amidst Bush Hits All-Time Low
A feedsfullspeed. Production
Title Live 2nd Presidential Debate amidst Bush Hits All-Time Low published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about Live 2nd Presidential Debate amidst Bush Hits All-Time Low
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Bush's Disapproval Rating Highest in History Just two presidents have had lower approval (Richard Nixon and Harry Truman) than President Bush, and none has had higher disapproval in polls since 1938. McCain's problem: Fifty-three percent of registered voters think he'd lead the country in the same direction as Bush, inching back up over a majority. Forty-eight percent of registered voters are uncomfortable about McCain's age, a new high. And while Obama has advanced since mid-June in the sense that he's a "safe" choice for president, to 55 percent, McCain has lost ground on this measure; 51 percent now see him as safe, down 6 points. Obama continues to trounce McCain on enthusiasm. Sixty-one percent of Obama's supporters are very enthusiastic about their choice, vs. 38 percent of McCain's. For all that, Obama does not have the race in the bag. Though more registered voters say Obama than McCain won Friday's debate, Obama has not progressed in the sense that he'd make a good commander-in-chief of the military, and remains under 50 percent in this measure. The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
ABC News: More Consumer Confidence
... Vice Presidential Debate: Part 2 ... Buying Climate Hits a New Low; Overall Confidence a Point ... steeply this week to within sight of its all-time low.
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The Command Post - 2004 US Presidential Election - Bush Archives
... U.S. diplomatic efforts during President Bush’s second term ... I support efforts to keep taxes low, so families ... During the October 8th presidential debate, Sen.
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CNN.com - Transcripts
... and Senate Vote to Override Presidential Veto • Bush vs Obama: Debate ... Policy Plans • President Bush's Poll Numbers Hit Historic Low; ... Gas Prices Reach All-Time High; Carter ...
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Keyword: 2008veep
... this could be the all time ... surpasses any presidential debate since 1992's second bout between Bill Clinton, Ross Perot and George Bush ... Louis Vice Presidential Debate Live Thread
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Political Radar: Tancredo, Tom
... if the presumptive Republican presidential ... an identical twin to President Bush.” Now, Obama just has to give at least the second ... provide an emotional lift, an all-time ...
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Film And TV
The first presidential debate between Senators Barack Obama and John McCain took place last ... Bush, can’t get enough of roaming and just love a bowl of fermented horse ... The Year Punk Broke , the seminal rock movie featuring live and behind-the ...
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Source: Nypress.com
NewsDateTime: 9/30/2008
October September August July June May April March February January ...
... took a turn for the weird when he stumbled upon a pillowcase reading “Live ... complain when I got to see Sonic Youth play one of the best albums of all time, in ... who authored the infamous book Juiced in 2005, whichfinally sparked open debate ...
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Source: Nypress.com
NewsDateTime: 10/1/2008
On Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bob Barr doesn't hold back
... issue has fallen into the lap of Bob Barr that will give his little-noticed presidential ... The Ticket previously noted, they will share a stage -- though not directly debate ... rock group Heart is miffed at Republicans for playing one of its biggest hits ...
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Source: Los Angeles Times Blogs
NewsDateTime: 9/13/2008
What is the key factor behind the GOP selection of Sarah Palin for VP?
“The heart wants what it wants,” director Woody Allen once famously said of his own controversial marriage, and so it is with John McCain. He decided on his vice-presidential “soul mate” Sarah Palin after meeting her just twice — announcing ...
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Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution
NewsDateTime: 9/12/2008
Political Punch
... Surely you are not suggesting that the Bush tax cuts that McCain wants to augment and apply permanently are based upon a flat tax model? 'Cause I would check that....
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Source: ABC News Blogs
NewsDateTime: 9/8/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Title Live 2nd Presidential Debate amidst Bush Hits All-Time Low published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about Live 2nd Presidential Debate amidst Bush Hits All-Time Low
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Bush's Disapproval Rating Highest in History Just two presidents have had lower approval (Richard Nixon and Harry Truman) than President Bush, and none has had higher disapproval in polls since 1938. McCain's problem: Fifty-three percent of registered voters think he'd lead the country in the same direction as Bush, inching back up over a majority. Forty-eight percent of registered voters are uncomfortable about McCain's age, a new high. And while Obama has advanced since mid-June in the sense that he's a "safe" choice for president, to 55 percent, McCain has lost ground on this measure; 51 percent now see him as safe, down 6 points. Obama continues to trounce McCain on enthusiasm. Sixty-one percent of Obama's supporters are very enthusiastic about their choice, vs. 38 percent of McCain's. For all that, Obama does not have the race in the bag. Though more registered voters say Obama than McCain won Friday's debate, Obama has not progressed in the sense that he'd make a good commander-in-chief of the military, and remains under 50 percent in this measure. The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
ABC News: More Consumer Confidence
... Vice Presidential Debate: Part 2 ... Buying Climate Hits a New Low; Overall Confidence a Point ... steeply this week to within sight of its all-time low.
more ...
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The Command Post - 2004 US Presidential Election - Bush Archives
... U.S. diplomatic efforts during President Bush’s second term ... I support efforts to keep taxes low, so families ... During the October 8th presidential debate, Sen.
more ...
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CNN.com - Transcripts
... and Senate Vote to Override Presidential Veto • Bush vs Obama: Debate ... Policy Plans • President Bush's Poll Numbers Hit Historic Low; ... Gas Prices Reach All-Time High; Carter ...
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Keyword: 2008veep
... this could be the all time ... surpasses any presidential debate since 1992's second bout between Bill Clinton, Ross Perot and George Bush ... Louis Vice Presidential Debate Live Thread
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Political Radar: Tancredo, Tom
... if the presumptive Republican presidential ... an identical twin to President Bush.” Now, Obama just has to give at least the second ... provide an emotional lift, an all-time ...
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Film And TV
The first presidential debate between Senators Barack Obama and John McCain took place last ... Bush, can’t get enough of roaming and just love a bowl of fermented horse ... The Year Punk Broke , the seminal rock movie featuring live and behind-the ...
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Source: Nypress.com
NewsDateTime: 9/30/2008
October September August July June May April March February January ...
... took a turn for the weird when he stumbled upon a pillowcase reading “Live ... complain when I got to see Sonic Youth play one of the best albums of all time, in ... who authored the infamous book Juiced in 2005, whichfinally sparked open debate ...
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Source: Nypress.com
NewsDateTime: 10/1/2008
On Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bob Barr doesn't hold back
... issue has fallen into the lap of Bob Barr that will give his little-noticed presidential ... The Ticket previously noted, they will share a stage -- though not directly debate ... rock group Heart is miffed at Republicans for playing one of its biggest hits ...
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Source: Los Angeles Times Blogs
NewsDateTime: 9/13/2008
What is the key factor behind the GOP selection of Sarah Palin for VP?
“The heart wants what it wants,” director Woody Allen once famously said of his own controversial marriage, and so it is with John McCain. He decided on his vice-presidential “soul mate” Sarah Palin after meeting her just twice — announcing ...
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Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution
NewsDateTime: 9/12/2008
Political Punch
... Surely you are not suggesting that the Bush tax cuts that McCain wants to augment and apply permanently are based upon a flat tax model? 'Cause I would check that....
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Source: ABC News Blogs
NewsDateTime: 9/8/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Live 2nd Presidential Debate while Bush Hits All-Time Low
A feedsfullspeed. Production
Title Live 2nd Presidential Debate while Bush Hits All-Time Low published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about Live 2nd Presidential Debate while Bush Hits All-Time Low
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Bush's Disapproval Rating Highest in History Just two presidents have had lower approval (Richard Nixon and Harry Truman) than President Bush, and none has had higher disapproval in polls since 1938. McCain's problem: Fifty-three percent of registered voters think he'd lead the country in the same direction as Bush, inching back up over a majority. Forty-eight percent of registered voters are uncomfortable about McCain's age, a new high. And while Obama has advanced since mid-June in the sense that he's a "safe" choice for president, to 55 percent, McCain has lost ground on this measure; 51 percent now see him as safe, down 6 points. Obama continues to trounce McCain on enthusiasm. Sixty-one percent of Obama's supporters are very enthusiastic about their choice, vs. 38 percent of McCain's. For all that, Obama does not have the race in the bag. Though more registered voters say Obama than McCain won Friday's debate, Obama has not progressed in the sense that he'd make a good commander-in-chief of the military, and remains under 50 percent in this measure. The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Transcript of the second presidential debate
Transcript of the second presidential debate:/g/a/2004/10/08 ... BUSH: He's just not credible when he talks about being fiscally ... to grow this economy is to keep taxes low ...
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Republican Presidential Candidates Debate for Oct. 9, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m ...
Republican Presidential Candidates Debate for Oct. 9, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. ... Revenues are at an all time high. What’s the ... PAUL: And that is a natural consequence when you live ...
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Debate Live Fact Check - Fact Checker
Debate Live Fact Check . 11:02 p.m. Obama made an ... has said that he will continue the Bush tax cuts for middle and low ... to another in the opportunistic second--this is when the ...
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CPD: 2000 Debate Transcript
October 5, 2000 Vice Presidential Debate ... 1954 to find a time when we produced as little oil as we do today. Our imports are at an all-time ... things that Governor Bush emphasized when ...
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Televised Presidential Debates
Bush in the third debate while Bush was ... his first and third presidential debates. When he tried to "back off" in the second ... Wipeout as the Debate Numbers Hit All-Time Low." ...
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Cis' blog roundup - Friday
Notes on a Napkin hits on every parents fear. The protection of our children. And she gives you a phase to keep in your mind, perhaps forever, and for every occasion. Have we looked at Cinnamonspice before? This is a 4 day old one, but this is a blog ...
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Source: Spokane Spokesman-Review
NewsDateTime: 10/5/2008
Friday wild card
... get less and less excited about the Fourth the longer I live ... It's about time Bush used his presidential power to right a wrong inflicted upon ... Bush is starting to put together back-to-back hits. Zarqawi's dead. This wrong has been somewhat righted.
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Source: Spokane Spokesman-Review
NewsDateTime: 10/5/2008
What's happening Wednesday: Candidates to DC for bailout vote
Bush administration • Campaign memos • Campaign memos [1] • Convention ... Live feeds • Looking ahead • Media • Mid-day update • Money in politics • ... For Biden that means preparation for his Thursday vice presidential debate with Alaska Gov.
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Source: USA Today Blogs
NewsDateTime: 9/30/2008
The politics of the bill
... to help pass the now failed bailout plan, while it took presidential ... Bush is the worst President and Nancy Pelosi is the WORST speaker of all time. It's fitting that these morons couldn't pass ... Otherwise, live with the system we have in which ...
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Source: Meganmcardle.theatlantic.com
NewsDateTime: 9/29/2008
Should the U.S. switch to the metric system?
Disagreement over who would cover costs — estimated as low as $35 ... Agricultural economist Bruce Johnson said land values reached an all-time high ... COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Democratic presidential campaign hits a turning point Tuesday, when voters ...
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Source: Lincoln Journal Star
NewsDateTime: 9/27/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
Title Live 2nd Presidential Debate while Bush Hits All-Time Low published to feedsfullspeed.
Report sent to feedsfullspeed. about Live 2nd Presidential Debate while Bush Hits All-Time Low
This article is located at feedsfullspeed.
Bush's Disapproval Rating Highest in History Just two presidents have had lower approval (Richard Nixon and Harry Truman) than President Bush, and none has had higher disapproval in polls since 1938. McCain's problem: Fifty-three percent of registered voters think he'd lead the country in the same direction as Bush, inching back up over a majority. Forty-eight percent of registered voters are uncomfortable about McCain's age, a new high. And while Obama has advanced since mid-June in the sense that he's a "safe" choice for president, to 55 percent, McCain has lost ground on this measure; 51 percent now see him as safe, down 6 points. Obama continues to trounce McCain on enthusiasm. Sixty-one percent of Obama's supporters are very enthusiastic about their choice, vs. 38 percent of McCain's. For all that, Obama does not have the race in the bag. Though more registered voters say Obama than McCain won Friday's debate, Obama has not progressed in the sense that he'd make a good commander-in-chief of the military, and remains under 50 percent in this measure. The number who say he's got the kind of experience it takes to serve effectively as president, while a majority for the first time, is only narrowly so, 52 percent.
Sen. Barack Obama is riding economic discontent to an advantage in Ohio, bolstered in part by financially stressed voters in the state's hard-hit industrial belt -- and following it up with a more extensive ground campaign in this key contest. McCain and Obama enter Tuesday night's second presidential debate at Belmont University with a real sense of a race that's slipping away from McCain -- and a growing realization in GOP circles that the Republican ticket has a dwindling number of chances to reclaim the narrative.
McCain gets the format he wants, but not the backdrop. If the debate follows the logical progression of the week, we will continue down the path of least subsistence into out-and-out, guilt-by-association name-calling -- led there, in all likelihood, by McCain, whose campaign is trying to thrust "character" into a campaign that may not welcome it. Does McCain want to go there? Will/should even nasty attacks register when compared to the psychological blows arriving in mailboxes these days, depicting shattered 401(k)s? And with Tuesday night's town-hall format, does a candidate want to throw bombs when there are civilians in range? It may be too late for those choices: It's on, and it's ugly. In the run-up to the debate No. 2, McCain and (particularly) Palin have gone personal -- and Team Obama responded by bringing up the Keating 5. "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain said Monday (with now-casual references to Obama's "lies"), per ABC's Jake Tapper and Bret Hovell. "Even at this late hour in the campaign there are things we don't know about Senator Obama or the record that he brings to this campaign." And -- going further, but still not as far as she wants to go -- Palin "invoked fear for the first time when discussing Sen. Barack Obama's connection to former 60's radical William Ayers," per ABC's Imtiyaz Delawala. "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way that you and I see America -- as the greatest source for good in this world," said Palin, R-Alaska. Obama, she said, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist." No turning back from here: "Mr. McCain made clear on Monday that he wanted to make the final month of the race a referendum on Mr. Obama's character, background and leadership -- a polite way of saying he intends to attack him on all fronts and create or reinforce doubts about him among as many voters as possible," Adam Nagourney writes in The New York Times. "And Mr. Obama's campaign signaled that it would respond in kind, setting up an end game dominated by an invocation of events and characters from the lives of both candidates." "Look, I'm not sitting here with my feet up," said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. "The back-and-forth, coming on the eve of a presidential debate tonight, represented some of the strongest language yet in a race that has grown increasingly negative and signaled that the final four weeks of the campaign could grow even nastier,"
The moderator, Tom Brokaw of NBC News, is sifting through those millions of questions to find six or seven that he might pose. The other dozen or so questions will come from among an audience of about 80 likely voters from the Nashville area who will be on stage with the candidates. Mr. Brokaw will meet with audience members on Tuesday as he seeks a balance between foreign and domestic topics. The live audience was selected over the last week by the Gallup Organization, which made thousands of calls to find people who are truly uncommitted - that is, they may be leaning toward one candidate or the other but could still change their minds. “Only a small percentage of the population qualifies as uncommitted,” said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
Transcript of the second presidential debate
Transcript of the second presidential debate:/g/a/2004/10/08 ... BUSH: He's just not credible when he talks about being fiscally ... to grow this economy is to keep taxes low ...
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Republican Presidential Candidates Debate for Oct. 9, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m ...
Republican Presidential Candidates Debate for Oct. 9, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. ... Revenues are at an all time high. What’s the ... PAUL: And that is a natural consequence when you live ...
more ...
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Debate Live Fact Check - Fact Checker
Debate Live Fact Check . 11:02 p.m. Obama made an ... has said that he will continue the Bush tax cuts for middle and low ... to another in the opportunistic second--this is when the ...
more ...
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CPD: 2000 Debate Transcript
October 5, 2000 Vice Presidential Debate ... 1954 to find a time when we produced as little oil as we do today. Our imports are at an all-time ... things that Governor Bush emphasized when ...
more ...
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Televised Presidential Debates
Bush in the third debate while Bush was ... his first and third presidential debates. When he tried to "back off" in the second ... Wipeout as the Debate Numbers Hit All-Time Low." ...
more ...
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Cis' blog roundup - Friday
Notes on a Napkin hits on every parents fear. The protection of our children. And she gives you a phase to keep in your mind, perhaps forever, and for every occasion. Have we looked at Cinnamonspice before? This is a 4 day old one, but this is a blog ...
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Source: Spokane Spokesman-Review
NewsDateTime: 10/5/2008
Friday wild card
... get less and less excited about the Fourth the longer I live ... It's about time Bush used his presidential power to right a wrong inflicted upon ... Bush is starting to put together back-to-back hits. Zarqawi's dead. This wrong has been somewhat righted.
more ...
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Source: Spokane Spokesman-Review
NewsDateTime: 10/5/2008
What's happening Wednesday: Candidates to DC for bailout vote
Bush administration • Campaign memos • Campaign memos [1] • Convention ... Live feeds • Looking ahead • Media • Mid-day update • Money in politics • ... For Biden that means preparation for his Thursday vice presidential debate with Alaska Gov.
more ...
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Source: USA Today Blogs
NewsDateTime: 9/30/2008
The politics of the bill
... to help pass the now failed bailout plan, while it took presidential ... Bush is the worst President and Nancy Pelosi is the WORST speaker of all time. It's fitting that these morons couldn't pass ... Otherwise, live with the system we have in which ...
more ...
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Source: Meganmcardle.theatlantic.com
NewsDateTime: 9/29/2008
Should the U.S. switch to the metric system?
Disagreement over who would cover costs — estimated as low as $35 ... Agricultural economist Bruce Johnson said land values reached an all-time high ... COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Democratic presidential campaign hits a turning point Tuesday, when voters ...
more ...
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Source: Lincoln Journal Star
NewsDateTime: 9/27/2008
The format allows about five minutes for each question: two minutes for each candidate and one minute for what the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., described as “interplay” to be managed by Mr. Brokaw.
When the candidates meet tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for their second of three debates, the pressure will be on McCain, who is trailing in the polls, to convince people to reconsider their priorities as well as their votes. That means continuing his campaign's strategy of attacking Obama's judgment, analysts said. "He's got a very difficult task ahead of him," said Torie Clarke, a Republican strategist and ABC News political consultant. "He has to do something different. He has to say something that will change the game. He has to inject something into the system that will shake things up, because right now, it does not look good." Tonight's town hall style debate is moderated by Tom Brokaw of NBC News. Brokaw will ask six or seven of the more than 6 million questions submitted over the Internet.
Videos from YouTube
Title: 1 of 11 - Obama / McCain Presidential Debate from Mississippi - 9/26/08
Categories: election,first,barack,obama,2008,mccain,News,debate,foreign,policy,john,presidential,Mississippi,university,
Published on: 9/27/2008 12:00:55 AM
Title: McCain vs. Obama Debate Wrap Up
Categories: turks,pal,barack,democratic,obama,president,the,economic,mccain,News,sarah,nominee,young,up,john,republican,wrap,plan,debates,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:08:54 PM
Title: AP Analysis: The First McCain-Obama Debate
Categories: analysis:,News,debate,first,presidential,ap,mccain-obama,
Published on: 9/26/2008 11:01:40 PM
Title: Bracelet Battle (McCain/Obama Debate)
Categories: military,cnn,basketball,war,obama,Comedy,26,sept,mccain,video,debate,news,parody,bracelet,dennys,
Published on: 9/27/2008 2:57:32 PM
Title: Obama: Debate is 'More Important Than Ever'
Categories: economy,Florida,Barack,mccain,News,Obama,Avail,bailout,john,Press,suspension,Clearwater,campaign,
Published on: 9/24/2008 5:48:13 PM
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