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Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain, saying they are upbeat about the ability of Americans to bounce back from the current financial crisis, campaigned this morning before returning to Washington to vote on an emergency rescue package for Wall Street. Buoyed by polls showing he had built up a lead over his GOP opponent, Sen. Obama told supporters at a rally here that they can overcome the current financial woes that include tightening credit, a gyrating stock market and political questions about the proposed $700-billion bailout. "I know that many of you are feeling anxiety right now - about your jobs, about your homes, about your life savings. But I also know this - I know that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis because that's who we are," Obama said. "This is a nation that has faced down war and depression, great challenges and great threats. And at each and every moment, we have risen to meet these challenges -- not as Democrats, not as Republicans, but as Americans with resolve with confidence. With that fundamental belief that here in America, our destiny is not written for us, but by us. That's who we are, and that's the country we need to be right now," the Illinois senator said. Arizona Sen. McCain sounded a similarly optimistic tone in a visit to the Harry Truman Library Institute in Independence, Mo. "This is a moment of great testing," McCain said. "At such moments, there are those on both sides of this debate who will act on principle. Of course, there are always some who think first of their own interests, who calculate their own advantage instead of rushing to the aid of their country. "But in the case of this bill, I am confident there are enough people of good will in both parties to help see America through this crisis. And when the last vote is cast, we can be grateful to all of them -- Democrats and Republicans alike -- for helping to solve the crisis instead of merely exploiting it," he said. Both men praised the Senate version of the rescue bill that will be voted on today. The House rejected a version of the bill on Monday, but leaders have been working to sweeten the measure so that it will pass when it comes up again in the lower house. While the candidates outlined their economic policies, political insiders were trying to digest the latest polls showing that Obama had raised his standing since the pair debated last week.

Jonathan Martin's Blog: Obama lays out broad principles on solving ...
Obama lays out broad principles on solving financial crisis. He's not offering much more in the way of specifics than McCain, but here are Obama's guidelines from a speech today in ...
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REVEALED: Obama Finance Chairwoman PRITZKER the Toxic Catalyst of the ...
According to Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), our current financial crisis is a direct result of ... The difference between McCain and Obama on the Fannie Freddie flap is McCain took a stand ...
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Obama, McCain, and the financial crisis | csmonitor.com
Obama, McCain, and the financial crisis. John McCain has the harder job of countering his support of Bush ... even a vendetta, to use the Military, when superior methods of solving the ...
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Chester County Democrats » Blog Archive » Solving our financial ...
Solving our financial crisis ... email received 9/18/08) The economy hit a new ... the [anti-Obama] Smears; McCain seen by DNC; Obama-McCain ...
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Financial crisis big factor for local voters
It seems as if Barack Obama and John McCain can bank on one thing in this year's election and that is that voters will take stock in what they say about solving the country's ...
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McCain and Obama optimistic about solving financial crisis
LA CROSSE, Wisc. -- Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain, saying they are upbeat about the ability of Americans to bounce back from the current financial crisis, campaigned this morning before returning to Washington to vote on an ...
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Source: Los Angeles Times
NewsDateTime: 29 minutes ago
Polls: More see Obama as helpful on economy
... over half of voters responding after the debate said Obama has been more helpful than harmful in solving the economic crisis, compared with 45 percent who said so of McCain. ... bailout bill isn't perfect but warned that the nation's financial crisis ...
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Source: The Washington Times
NewsDateTime: 1 hour ago
Obama Retakes the Lead, Polls Show
... trust Obama on the economy by at least 11 percentage points in each state. When asked whether the candidates’ roles in solving the economic crisis had been ... vote, say McCain did more harm than good in trying to resolve the financial crisis, and ...
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Source: Wall Street Journal
NewsDateTime: 1 hour ago
Giuliani talks up plan and McCain
Barack Obama for not playing a leadership role in solving the financial crisis while lauding McCain for his experience and foresight in dealing with the issue.
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Source: Citizen
NewsDateTime: 8 hours ago
McCain blames Democrats for bailout defeat
... depends on us taking immediate action to ease this crisis.” But the McCain camp upped the ante: “When Barack Obama ... elected officials put genuine management and problem-solving ... this evening, they are going to realize that this financial crisis ...
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Source: Boston Globe
NewsDateTime: 9/29/2008
According to a Quinnipiac University poll released today, Obama leads McCain, with his support at more than 50%, in three key states: Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania. Combined, the states are worth 68 of the 270 electoral votes needed for victory on Nov. 4. Pollsters attributed Obama's improved standing to the public's general approval of his debate performance, antipathy toward GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and heightened confidence in the Illinois senator's ability to handle the economic crisis. "It is difficult to find a modern competitive presidential race that has swung so dramatically, so quickly and so sharply this late in the campaign. In the last 20 days, Sen. Barack Obama has gone from 7 points down to 8 points up in Florida, while widening his leads to 8 points in Ohio and 15 points in Pennsylvania," Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a statement on the university's website. "Sen. Obama clearly won the debate, voters say," Brown stated. "Their opinion of Gov. Sarah Palin has gone south and the Wall Street meltdown has been a dagger to McCain's political heart. Roughly a third of voters, and almost as large a share of the key independent vote, say McCain did more harm than good in trying to resolve the financial crisis, and the share of voters who see the economy as the top issue has risen from roughly half to six in 10." The results are notable because they show Obama in a strong position in the pair of states that put Bush in the White House in 2000 and kept him there four years later -- Florida and Ohio, with 27 and 20 electoral votes, respectively. Obama's growing popularity was also cited by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Its poll showed that Obama moved to a 49%-42% advantage among registered voters after the debate. The race was virtually even in early August and mid-September.
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